Società Internazionale Tommaso d'Aquino
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S.I.T.A. (Tomas Aquinas International Society) founded for learning, divulgation and dialogue of Thomas Aquinas thought with culture and problems of the present time, suggests in its Lugano section the study of human virtues and, this year, particularly the study of prudence. Thomas, with his special treatise on this virtue which is soul and form of all others, opens a way to us in the Summa Theologiae, II.II. qq. 47-56.

In our cultural time, which marks the passage from second to third christian millennium, there is a vacancy in human forming. On one side the necessity of ethics is well perceived, on the other there is a certain rejection of virtues, of good operational habits which claim a strong will of operating good and an ascetical practice of renounce to the opposed vices.

Dialogue on this thomistic treatise could be a help to our cultural and human indigence.

President of International SITA
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